Wednesday, October 29, 2008

SydsEastside Now Sharing Photos at

Syd's Eastside has joined up with flickr and setup a small photo stream sharing resource at

Since the practice of showing off our used cars and trucks catalog online requires that we take some photographs of the vehicles, we have decided that instead of Copyrighting these photos and then keeping them all to ourselves, we will share them with the world. At first we were looking for our own web application to do this from one of our own websites, but preliminary trials on some of the applications available showed that most of the freeware and registered shareware open source software applications that are supposed to perform these duties are purely incapable of doing so. Almost every application we installed failed miserably (even the registered shareware we paid for a license for).

In our hunt for a manageable online photo album application, we found, and so far it is offering us the most reliability. However, we are continuing to investigate other possible web application solutions that we can host ourselves so that we can utilize our photography to more fully promote our brands.

Although we are currently only just getting started at flickr, which is currently a Yahoo! property, I think I was able to upload a nice little assortment of cars that we have had listed for sale in our Used Autos: Cars & Trucks For Sale section of the website.

While we are still looking for a more configurable solution that we can control more fully as a web application on one of our online properties, it certainly is good to have this option available from flickr. Unfortunately, also stifles its user creativity by limiting its membership to only 3 sets (albums) of photos each. This drastically limits the free membership's ability to categorize photos accurately. I suppose they have to do something to get members to the paid membership program, though.

I'm not sure if it will work here, but one nice feature of flickr is the ability to easily create a slideshow of your photos that you can share from your other websites. Let's see if Google will support it...

It appears to work, although I am seeing an error from the Adobe FlashPlayer 9. Perhaps there is some incompatibility issues here on the Blogger pages? For now, I'll just leave it up. If anyone has a fix for this, be sure to let me know, I would appreciate it. If the error gets too anoying I'll just put it on some other page and point a link on the blog to where I put it. ;)


-Syd's Eastside

Saturday, October 25, 2008

karburator smash

remer karburator

remer karburator standart 17 mm menjadi 20 mm lumayan mendongkrak tenaga motor standart......
diikuti pemakaian BB dengan oktan tinggi....pertamax plus...

Thursday, October 9, 2008

suzuki skywave 12


Pada dasarnya sistem kelistrikan untuk UW 125 adalah sama dengan model sepeda motor tipe underbone Suzuki lainnya namun ada sedikit perbedaan pada sistem starting motor. Berikut ini akan diuraikan beberapa sistem kelistrikan pada UW 125 :
Ø  Sistem Pengapian
Sistem pengapian UW 125 menerapkan sistem pengapian DC-CDI, yangmana dengan sistem pengapian ini, besarnya api pada busi tidak dipengaruhi oleh putaran mesin. Dan pada kecepatan rendah sekalipun, api yang dihasilkan busi tetap besar. Waktu pengapianpun diatur dengan tepat oleh ignition timing control circuit sesuai kebutuhan.

Ignition System

Ø  Sistem Pengisian Dan Penerangan
Sistem pengisian dan penerangan pada UW 125 memiliki sistem yang sama dengan model sepeda motor tipe underbone Suzuki lainnya. Pada sistem pengisian, UW 125 mengaplikasikan stator assy 1 fase yangmana tegangan yang dihasilkannya digunakan untuk melakukan pengisian tegangan terhadap battery berkapasitas 12V 3.5 Ah/10HR dengan tipe maintenance free. Sedangkan untuk sistem penerangan, UW 125 mengaplikasikan sistem penerangan AC untuk penerangan lampu depan dan lampu belakang
Starter System


Berikut ini akan ditampilkan letak dari masing-masing komponen kelistrikan pada UW 125
Ø  Lampu Depan & Lampu Sein
Lampu depan UW 125 dilengkapi dengan dua lampu utama dan dua lampu senja yang di tempatkan pada sisi kiri dan kanan front leg shield cover dengan desain reflektor yang lebih besar. Letak lampu sein UW 125 menyatu dengan lampu utama dengan desain yang trendy dan dinamis.
Ø  Speedometer
Speedometer UW 125 di desain lebih menarik dan dilengkapi pula dengan fuel level gaug

Ø  Battery
UW 125 mengaplikasikan maintenance free battery untuk memudahkan pengendara dalam hal perawatan battery. Pengendara tidak perlu lagi melakukan pengecekan kapaitas air accu dan pengisian air accu seperti yang dilakukan pada battery konvensional. Selain itu posisi battery terletak di tengah frame front cover hanya membuka frame side left cover sehingga mudah dijangkau.

Posisi Battery

Ø   Regulator/Rectifier Unit
Regulator/rectifier unit pada UW 125 terletak tepat di bawah fraame front cover

Regulator/Rectifier Unit

Ø  Lampu Belakang
Lampu belakang UW 125 di desain tidak menggunakan bohlam biasa, sehingga tidak terjadi kerusakan filament, yang membuatnya bebas perawatan serta konsumsi listrik yang kecil sehingga lebih menghemat battery.